Friday, February 19, 2016

This simple Gif is what we have done this week.
For watching the Gif you have to click on it.
I hope you like it.

Friday, February 12, 2016


HEALING TOOL:This great tool lets you remove blemishes, spots and editing other areas of skin, the healing tool is easy to use and produces great results.First you have to open the image you want and duplicate it. Then you have to choose in your toolbox the healing tool (the image one).
If you are going to work in a small part of the image it would be easier if you zoom in to it, when you have zoomed you have to hold the Ctrl. button and use the left click in the area you want to use, then you have to drag in the part you want to improve.


CLONE TOOL: This great tool is used by taking out from one image a part of it and using it to paint another portion of the same image.
For doing this,you have to  hold CTRL. and  set the target( choose the part of the image you want to copy).
After you have done this, the only thing you have to do is click and drag through the part of the image you want to delete.