Monday, November 23, 2015


Today I am going to talk about my last computing project.
Its about FOOS(Fre and Open Source Software).
I expect you like the resume of this project and the project.
My classmates also did a work about cybersecurity, internet and networks. This is what they talked about:
1.Software Licenses & Copiright law.
2.Wireless Connections.
3.Basic Internet aplications.
4.Social Networking Sites.
5.Digital networks.
6.Mobile computing.

Today I am going to talk About FOSS:
FOSS (Free and Open Source Software):
FOOS is a softwre developedby informal  collaborative network of programmers. It has modifications and improvements,
FOSS has:
-Free Software:You can get this type of programs for free.
-Open Source:This type of programs has collaborative development.

It has grown FOSSS:
Firstly because its free and because users have access to the sorce and they can help fixing faults.

FOOS has pros and cons:

-PROS:-It is free.
          -It is easy to manage.
          -It has continous real time improvement 

-CONS:-There are a lot of confuser users( The confuser users can say something of the program is wrong but and people working in that program work for making that error a good think but in fact the error was good.

A example of FOSS is:

I got the information from: